A simpler approach is now afforded by a modification made to the generated set-env script. Just set the IoT Hub up as previous on the development desktop, generate the enviroment variables …

… and save them to set-env.ps1 in the quickstarts folder and accept the new option when generating set-env to include the .NET Core DOTNET_ROOT variable as well as adding that to the System Path. Then just copy the qs-apps folder to the RPI via a share or via FTP. In the remote PowerShell shell on the Pi in quickstarts folder run ```.\set-env’’` and you are ready to run the Quickstarts.

the ps\qs-apps folder contains 2 folders:

  • quickstarts
  • dotnet

quickstarts is the various pairs of IoT Hub apps as dicusssed previously link here
dotnet is where .NET Core is placed by get-iothub:

6. Run Quickstart Appsthen..
5. Get .NET Core or
6.Use Existing .NET Core (Use previous download)

In this case you should choose win-arm target for IOT-Core on the RPi

Note that in this context you can’t run the .\run-apps scripts as you can’t fork the multiple shells. Typically you would run just one of the Device Quickstarts on the Pi by running dotnet run from within a Device project folder. You would then run the Service on, say, the dev desktop. Also, it has been found the only the device apps will run on the RPi anyway.

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