Azure DevOps: Notifications
web jekyll
When a Jekyll site is committed to Azure Dev Ops, getting email notifications after it is built and deployed.
As discussed in previous posts here, the authored contents of this Jekyll site is maintained as an Azure Dev Ops repository where it is built upon submission, after which the built site is released by copying to an Azure Blob Storage as a Static Web site. Build takes about 6 minutes and deployment about 3. Note also that a failed build is also notified. In the original configuration an email was sent to the author when the site was built but the updated site wasn’t immediately live as it had to be deployed. A notification was recently added taht is sent when the deployment was completed.
Nb: An Outlook rule is used to direct these notifications to a specific folder for clarity.

Dev Ops Build and Deployment OK

Dev Ops Build Failure
Setting Build Notifications
In Azure Devops go to:
To navigate to there:
- Click on Project Settings at the bottom left when in the Pipelines panel when logged into the DevOps Project
- Then click on Notifications, on the left.

At the top is the settings icon which can be used to action notification email delivery settings:

Delivery Settings
This is just a stock standard notifications mechanism. There are discussions, such as on StackOverflow, for more nuanced scenarios.
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