It’s now gone mega: Just run get-iothub GroupName,HubName,DeviceName And it will auto generate all 3!

  • (Recapping) As previous, you need an Azure Subscription and Az Cli installed.
  • Get the az-iothub-ps repository:
  • In the PS folder run .\set-path
  • Then run the script with entity names:
    get-iothub GroupName,HubName,DeviceName
  • You will be prompted to select the Subscription
  • Then each of the 3 entities (Group, Hub and Device) will be auto-generated in order.
  • There will be a prompt for the Group location and for the Hub SKU.
  • You can optionally add a await period in seconds to that command line
    eg get-iothub GroupName,HubName,DeviceName 5
    • At any Yes-No where the default is Yes is will auto-continue after that wait period.
    • Any any Press any key to Continue is will similarly proceed after that delay.
  • When done it will generate the connection strings etc … All-In-One!


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